flower fertilizers information

Need To Know: How To Choose the Right Flower Fertilizers

Flowers give your yard that fresh and relaxing appeal. You will love how flowers add a burst of color and radiance to your outdoor space, as well as providing decorative features. Thus, it is best that you use the right materials to enhance the beauty and health of your flowers. What’s more, it is important that aside from watering your plants everyday, you need to know how to choose the right flower fertilizers suitable to the particular plant. By doing so, you can ensure the growth of your flowers without harming the environment, which is a common drawback with inorganic fertilizers that also emit nasty chemicals to the air your breathe.

Facts about a Complete Fertilizer

One of the types of fertilizer that you can find in the market is a complete fertilizer. As the name implies, this contain all key substances needed by flowers to survive and thrive. These elements include phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen. Among these three, potassium is the element that supports the formation and growth of fruit and flower, while phosphorus stimulates the function of root systems.

As for the nitrogen component, it ensures your plants of a healthy and foliage on a regular basis. So, if you are shopping for fertilizer, be sure that you look for one with the label NPK, and there must be numbers indicated that stand for the percentage of nutrients versus the fertilizer’s filler ingredients. So, if you plan on getting a fertilizer with 10-10-10, then this means there is 10 percent per nutrient included.

All about Chemical Fertilizer

Aside from organic fertilizers, there are those that come with artificial components or chemicals such as magnesium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. The good thing about using chemical fertilizers, though, is the fact that nutrients are absorbed more efficiently. The only time that the nutrients are released at a slower rate is when you purchase fertilizer with time-release formula.

Yet, you also have to consider harsh consequences when you apply too much of the fertilizer, which include burning and loss of qualities in the soil that improve the growth of flowers. If you are leaning towards chemical fertilizers, you can select from different formulations available including powders, pellets and liquid formula. Your choice is mainly up to you since the decision depends on what your plants need the most.

Organic Flower Fertilizer

As an eco-friendly option, organic fertilizers should be your best bet when you do not want to inflict any harm towards living creatures in the planet. Since the fertilizer contains organic matter, soil tilth and quality are improved. What’s even better is the fact that flowers receive a good amount of nutrients to make them fuller and healthier. This type of fertilizer has a range of substances beneficial to the plant including leaf mold, rock phosphate, fish emulsion and animal manure, to name a few. Since this is all organic, the fertilizer will not burn your plants and you can be sure that the immune systems of your plants become stronger. Organic matter also continues to work for longer periods, yet you have to realize the high cost of this fertilizer and be sure it meets your budget.

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